Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Train Wreck Tamra: Most Hated


Wow! Who could have predicted that Tamra Barney, the self-proclaimed “hottest housewife in Orange County”  would come off worse than our favorite narcissist Vicki Gunvalson on season 4 of The Real  Housewives of Orange County?

The producers..that’s who.

Even without the Jay Photoglou “kiss and tell” antics, Tamra slammed Gretchen Rossi' at every turn. From episode one until the reunion and thereafter, Tamra did everything she could to hurt Gretchen. Clearly the producers knew Tamra wouldn’t be able to share the spotlight with Gretchen.  Would she have sent her “little Nugget”son  Ryan Vieth after Gretchen?  Naw, her relationship to her “manwhore” is strange, at best . But the "Naked Wasted" episode made both Barneys look terrible.

The poll results:


tamra barney:        52%

vicki gunvalson      24%

gretchen rossi        17%

lynne curtin             2%

lauri waring             1%  (left the show early in the season)

jeana keough           1%


Thanks for participating in this very unscientific poll.  Watch What Happens!

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