Sunday, February 22, 2009

Tamra Barney’s Boo-Boo


Serious case of foot-in-mouth disease


Seems trashy Tamra has been a very busy girl.  After the homo comment she made about Slade on the Season 4 finale of  The Real  Housewives of Orange County, gay rights activists and bloggers have been tearing her a new one.

Here's example of the outrage, and Tamra’s response to it.

Poor Tamra, she blamed her behavior during that tawdry "Naked Wasted" episode on her “Indian blood”.  We’re sure she didn’t mean Indians in Mumbai…she could never find it on a map.  Or spell it.   So she insulted Native Americans.  Maybe someone said she’s inbred and she thought that meant mixed breed…..

This is her apology:

I read your article and wanted to talk with you. I cant tell you how bad I feel about my comment on last weeks episode. It was stupid and hurtful. Like I said it was not the word I was searching for and probably not a word I had used since I was 14. I can not take back what I said, But I can try to reach out to every article and email I get. I have NOTHING against the gay community. I have a lot of friends that are gay and support gay rights. the first thing I did was call all my gay friends and apologize. Most of them laughed at me and said Tam that is just you putting your foot in your mouth AGAIN. Ricky my dearest friend told me that Yes I would piss off some people. I did not address it on my blog last week because I didn't see the episode before I blogged. I will be witting a apology on next week blog. I will do what it take to make it better.
Please accept my sincere apology.
Tamra Barney

What a load of shit!  What a twit

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