Friday, April 3, 2009

OC Casting Call: Fresh Famewhores


Text paraphrased from a trusted source

Photos from the oc register

“The audition went something like this:
They had the area in front of Macy's roped off. You could view from above or right at ground level. The "candidates" were given a form to fill out - I snagged one - it asks about your occupation, husband's occupation, past relationships (exes), height, weight, eye color, waist, chest and hip measurements, rate your marriage or relationship on a scale of 1 -10 (10 being best) and explain why, name three interesting things about yourself, and do you know any of the current housewives? Also, they wanted names and ages of children and other people living at your home.


The ladies all lined up and waited for their chance to talk to one of three auditors. They had their pics taken, and then they stood there and explained why they should be on the show. They were asked what kind of houses they had (describe how rich you are), and various questions about trappings. You could tell who they liked by how long they kept them and if they sent them over to talk to person B. It was very easy to eavesdrop on everything.
Some women "auditioned" side by side with their sig. other (think Alex/Simon), some brought their kids up - whoa, pony!!

The get ups and clothes were super funny. One lady was trying to look all stylin' with her bare legs, short skirt and high heels, but she had really deep ridges in her calves from the too tight knee socks she'd removed 2 minutes ago. Hair weaves were plentiful and nasty. Foobs all over the place. Interesting tattoos and massive body art...

Honestly, one lady had a cane and had to hobble over to the table with the assistance of the security guard. She was very tall and had a no non-sense look about her as if she really wanted to kick some ass.
Wow. Just wow. It will be very interesting to see how it all pans out. I saw at least 3 that I think could make the cut.”

Seen at the scene: Lauri Waring, ducking cameras and reporters.

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