Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ramona Singer’s Daughter, Paying the Price

ramonasinger_ from the Huffington Post

“Ramona Singer, the highly-caffeinated maker of religious jewelry, is persona non grata at her daughter, Avery's, school. One parent at Sacred Heart said, "All of us and the school are very embarrassed by Ramona's actions on the show. The school has asked her to take Avery off the show, but she refused. Now no one wants to be near Avery because they don't want to be associated with the show."

Tamra Barney’s three small children, Jeana Keough’s son Colton, and the most miserable looking child of all, LuAnn Delesseps’ Victoria, all pay the price for their mothers’ indiscretions on trainwreck TV. George Petersons minors, Lauri Warings youngest, and particularly Josh Waring have all suffered.

Nothing stops a famewhore.

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