Sunday, August 3, 2008

Real Housewives of Atlanta

The Real Housewives of Atlanta: Equal Opportunity Snark

The next series in Bravo TV's "Real Housewives" franchise is about to hit the airwaves.  The The Real Housewives of Atlanta  will debut this fall.

These nouveau riche women represent the old adage of "money don't change you".  They are still in the 'hood, the hood just costs $3.5 mil.  As the wives and about to be ex-wives of NBA and NFL players, they make the The Real Housewives of Orange County  look like food stamp recipients.  

The Real Housewives of New York aren't really new money.

Without going into what happens to most  ex-jocks  when the sun sets on the career, these women better be prepared for the viciousness of the snarkThe Lauri/Gina /George warfare will look tame in comparison. 

Watch What Happens.

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