Saturday, August 24, 2013

Joe Gorga Loses Temper, Has A Hair Loss Moment!!

Teresa Giudice, Joe Giudice, Joe Gorga, Melissa Gorga


Now Melissa and Joe Gorga have another thing to blame on Teresa Giudice: She took the hair growth gene!!

This lather rinse repeat franchise formerly known as the Real Housewives of New Jersey finally caught my attention when Joe Giudice gave Joe Gorga a well deserved ass-whopping…..but it wasn’t the whopping itself…it was the black shoe polish Joe Gorga uses on his head because he’s balding.

He needs to consult Slade Smiley……get a weave!  The funniest moment?  When Melissa Gorga runs over to her husband with his hat……too late!!  It was the first true emotion we ever got from Melissa!

By the time this fight is over, everyone is covered in black… funny!

Of course, you have to wonder if “Little Napoleon” Joe Gorga is a steroid user.

  • rage issues
  • balding
  • unnatural-looking upper body

Food for thought, huh?  But actually, all the Gorga’s have rage; my opinion, and it’s only an opinion,  they are inbred..being from that tiny hamlet in Italy, suspicious of outsiders, sticking to their own…. Teresa and Joe’s parents may be first cousins, practically brother and sister…..explains a lot, doesn’t it?

Anyway, back to the shoe polish fight:

Why does Joe Gorga bite Juicy Joe’s crotch? Is this a normal way for men to fight?  Maybe not so much “hat-gate as nuts-gate!!

Recently, a follower tweeted about the Dirty Laundry these women aired before Season 1 aired.  Here it is, note Melissa Gorga trash talking Teresa.

The Real Housewives of New Jersey airs Sunday nights on Bravo TV. 

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