Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Real Housewives of DC: Political Drama

Washington's "Real Housewives"? Not quite sold: from left, Edwina Rogers, Susanna Quinn and Andrea Rodgers. (Courtesy Can Can productions; Courtesy Cashman Photography; Courtesy Andrea Rodgers)

Who wants to be a "Real" housewife? Who, that is, in Washington?

That's the question now that Bravo's boobs-and-Botox reality series is turning to the nation's capital for the sequel to "The Real Housewives of Orange County" and its ilk. Network officials told our colleague Lisa de Moraes they've already taped 25 local women -- but some of them told us producers were less than candid about what they were auditioning for.

Susanna Quinn, wife of superlobbyist Jack Quinn, was repeatedly assured that Half Yard Productions wasn't wooing her for "Housewives" -- and she wants no part of it. Lobbyist Edwina Rogers thought the show was about D.C. lifestyles. Would she do "Housewives"? "I don't really know," she said. "I'm not a housewife. I run a trade association."

Could producers snag authentic D.C. power players and get them to let their hair down? Um, no. In Washington, "discretion is key to marital and professional success," Nathans owner and New York Social Diary blogger Carol Joynt wrote. "Most of the husbands here -- those who are the real deal -- live off the public dollar."

Still, one of Half Yard's execs, Abby Greensfelder, moves among the political/media elite; she's the wife of New Republic editor Franklin Foer. Half Yard shot footage this spring at a party hosted by GOP lobbyist Juleanna Glover, the District Sample Sale and the Washington Humane Society's Fashion for Paws gala, where the cameras trained on fundraiser Mary Amons, the wife of a NoVa tech guy.

Excerpt from "Cop Without A Badge"

Kelly Bensimon Returning to “Real Housewives

Kelly Bensimon Photo

May 31, 2009 --

KELLY Bensimon (above) is going back for more. The ditzy model, who caused a stir on the second season of "The Real Housewives of New York City," recently told Obsessed TV's Samantha Ettus that she will "absolutely" return for another season of catfights. As for her much-talked-about scuffles with Bethenny Frankel, Bensimon said, "I didn't take on Bethenny. I told a bully I wasn't going to put up with her. Bethenny is not a girl. She's a bully."

from Page Six

Jill Zarin: A Scientologist?



Jill Zarin might be a Scientologist. The organization she was fundraising for, "Help For Orphans" is a suspected  Scientology front organization (much of the money is siphoned to the Church of Scientology headquarters, allegedly) There was a controversy in the press about Beck doing a benefit concert for another such "school" in India which his fans and the press later found out was a Scientology front organization.)

Sarah Ehrlich,who Jill met with  in the Lost Footage episode, is a prominent scientologist. The guy they went to meet, Peter Mageti, director of the school, is also a Scientologist.

Instead of asking "Are there TV's in Kenya?" Jill could do well by asking "Does this school really exist on the ground in Kenya" .  As of 2008, there is a possibility that no actual school existed, but they may have built something in the last year or so.  Just sayin’

Board of Directors
Sarah Ehrlich Founder / President
Lissa Hilsee Executive Director
David Ehrlich Treasurer
Jill Zarin
Helen Gifford
Larry Roseman
Peaches Pook
MarySue Connolly
Timothy Murphy

Sheree Whitfield Sells Home

Seven figure Sheree accepts six figures


Sheree Whitfield has finally sold her home in Atlanta, but for way below what she was  asking for.  We first heard about Sheree Whitfield ‘s home for sale a few months ago. The house was actually put  into foreclosure, even after the asking price was lowered to $2.4 mill.  The price dropped to $995k , and some lucky buyer snatched it up.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Real Southern Belles


MORE Shea!! I am loving the fact that she and her daddy are planning a wedding - how cute! Trivial things don't get in their way, the fact that's she not been asked to get married and every time she brings it up, he looks like he wishes the floor had an escape hatch.Why would an attorney from another state move to Louisville? He seems pretty fucked up. What will he do about Shea? And Daddy?

Hadley Hartz is too normal, level-headed and stable for reality tv. Rather like DeShawn Snow or, as it turns out,Jeana Keough

Emily Gimmel does seem more Vegas than down South. Nothing wrong with that or nothing negative reflecting on where she came from. Ol’ Daddy Warbucks is a trip, thought these guys from another era had all passed away by now. He reminds me of that Senator from Minnesota caught soliciting for sex in the Minneapolis Airport men’s room. Think about it. If false eyelashes and hair extensions have him that upset. Oh, and a "dad's nightmare"?

Why so little Julie? That was the saddest party I’d ever seen. Geez, it's not like she's got one foot in the grave!

Kellie seems to think you get to skip all the BUSINESS of putting together a BUSINESS. Poor girl. I loved the meetings where everyone pointed out to her that she has nothing. If it were as easy as just putting up a shingle, well, never mind. Attract freaks much, especially the married one?

watch what happens......oh no, not Bravo.

Cute video

Excerpt from "Cop Without A Badge"

Friday, May 29, 2009

OC Shocker: Jeana Keough Not Returning



While the new season of Bravo’s The Real Housewives of Orange County is scheduled to begin filming next week, one familiar housewife that won’t be returning is original cast member, Jeana Keough. The decision to not have Jeana return seemed to be that of Bravo, and not Jeana.

Tamra Barney gave an interview earlier this week to Radaronline teasing that one of the original housewives would not be returning. While Tamra did not confirm who it was, TheDirty website did confirm yesterday that Jeana Keough is the one leaving.

Tamra also says there might be a new housewife or two added to the show. I can’t help but get the feeling the show will be a-okay as long as Gretchen is still on there, and Tamra continues her pathetic mission to “expose her.” I will however miss Jeana on the show, she was a likable character. No word yet on if Lynne will be returning, does the show really need her?

from reality tea

Kevin Maher Giving Exclusive Story to “Star”


  • from the Gawker

  • We tracked down Kevin Maher, the former FBI informant and ex-husband of Danielle Staub whom he called a "coke whore." He's under a "contract" with Star for the exclusive to his story, so couldn't really talk. But he thinks Danielle's life is in danger.

  • "I've decided to give an exclusive to Star," Maher said when we called him. "That comes out Tuesday, so I can't talk until then. But yes, I was married to her. She did a lot of things that I think will put her life in danger. She was involved with the drug cartels in Cali and Medellín." That much is already clear from the promos Bravo has been running for Tuesday night's episode and Cop Without a Badge, the 1995 book about Maher's life as an informant.

    Speaking of which, copies of the out-of-print title are currently going for upwards of $100 on Ebay, and Maher says negotiations are underway for a new paperback edition. And Maher's exclusive interview with Star comes out on Tuesday, the day of the next episode of Housewives. Everybody wins!

    A representative for Bravo did not immediately return phone calls and e-mails asking for a comment as to why a television network would gleefully (and profitably!) air details of the woman's life under the pretense of a "reality" show when those details may piss off some of the violent people Staub used to run with. On the other hand, it's likely that all those details have already been aired, by Maher himself, in Cop Without a Badge (we haven't seen a full copy yet).

    Bravo's bio on Staub says "she prides herself on being one of the first women in New Jersey (and 14th person in the country) to have a Black American Express Card and her history of celebrity hook-ups is one for the record books." She was also the millionth woman in New Jersey to be a stripper and get involved in the cocaine business. Other details of Staub's past are set to be revealed on the show next week.

    UPDATE: A Bravo rep got back to us with their stock response to the Staub controversy, the most delightfully absurd work of flack lunacy we've encountered in a long, long time: "Bravo does not comment on the personal lives of our talent." Eleven words, three lies: Guess what they are!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Slayte Peterson: An Angry Young Man

Slayte Peterson, the son of George and Gina Peterson, the step-son  of Lauri Waring, wrote this in response to the article about Lauri seeking more child-support from ex Phil Waring:


“THIS IS SLAYTE!!! Not an imposter, the Real deal! I am George's EX son. Lauri is nothing but a golddigging bimbo and none of our family members like her or want her around. She does nothing in our home but check herself out on the internet and is so full of herself. Both her and George think they are Real Celebrities! They are a joke! She is the evil step mother from hell and nobody can stand her. I ran away from home 6 months ago because of the abuse George has done to me and my SISTERS! Before that he had me sent away because I didn’t want to be beat by him anymore and wanted to stay with my mom. Guess what George and Lauri, I am 18 years old now and you can't keep me from being heard now. You made sure that our lives were miserable these last few years while you pretended to be the great people that you aren’t, boy do I have a story to tell!!!! I want the World to know the REAL TRUTH about your fake Brady Bunch and the way you cuss at us all and the monsters that you are. I am Free now, but my sisters aren't!! They don't deserve to live like this until they are 18!! Why don't you tell the truth about what you did to us and my mom! You had everything George and you lost it all because you are an evil control freak who beats his kids till we do exactly what he wants us to do.
Stay Tuned.”

We will, Slayte.

Real Housewives Chicago: Prepare for Embarrassment

housewives_newjersey320 As if Chicago’s politicians aren’t embarrassing enough

excerpt from BILL ZWECKER Sun-Times Columnist

“We don’t know if Chicago can match the delightful bitchiness of ‘‘Real Housewives of New York’’ — or the similar ‘‘reality’’ intrigues of the other Bravo shows set in Atlanta, New Jersey and Orange County — but there’s a team of producers out there willing to give a try!

The talented folks at Towers Productions are currently casting for a Chicago housewives show.

Do we have our own version of LuAnn ‘‘The Countess’’ de Lesseps? Or (my personal favorite) Jill Zarin? Or Bethenny Frankel? Or Kelly Killoren Bensimon? Or Ramona Singer? Or that all-too-scary Alex McCord?

I know we do, and I hope that some of Our Town’s extraordinary ladies decide to take the bait and audition for the show Towers Productions is putting together.

According to Towers’ casting director Becky Cattie, the hope is to find women who could give this formula ‘‘a new twist,’’ showcasing a ‘‘really unique group of ladies to represent the Midwest.’’”

related link:

Meet the Candidates

Excerpt from "Cop Without A Badge"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Danielle Staub’s Mug Shot


 The alleged mug shot of Danielle Staub from The Real Housewives of New Jersey.

In the preview of next week's episode, one of the cast members holds up a book titled Cop Without A Badge, which supposedly features all sorts of dirt on Danielle's sordid past. In the book, she’s referred to as  Beverly Merrill. Is this her real name or an alias? Not sure. But what we do know is that according to the book (whose veracity cannot be vouched for), the author claims that this Beverly character had been busted for extortion, kidnapping, and possession.

Cop Without A Badge

3c381363ada0e393838de010_L__AA240_cop Excerpt from "Cop Without A Badge"

In the book, Danielle’s name is Beverly Merrill
A lot of it (the kidnapping/extortion part and the GRAPHIC description of what she's wearing . . .or not. . .when they first meet) is in the pages scanned w/ the mug shot picture link.
Apparently Kevin Maher and Danielle/ Beverly meet in 1986 and he falls in instant lust. He uses his FBI ties to get her a plea deal on the kidnapping related charges--they're reduced to just extortion, and she pleads guilty and gets 5 years probation.
Then she and Maher have a coke fueled on and off relationship where they have a lot of really intense sex.
He gets her into dancing in NJ (she's previously danced in Miami, she says)--at a club called Gallagher's--and is immediately jealous about the fact that she's too good at it. He can't deal with her showing off her body (which. . .duh) and gets insane about the fact that she makes eye contact with the clients.
More fights; more coke; more sex. At one point, she tells him "I've been with, like a thousand guys, and no one makes me feel like you do."
He finds this endearing, and they get married. Problem: HE'S ALREADY MARRIED.
More fights; more coke; more sex; more jealousy. He taps her phone and learns that she's cheating on him with the downstairs tenant, the landlord, her lawyer, and several other guys.
They split up and get back together; she files for divorce and he learns that she's been dancing under the name Danielle (aha!) at some club in Carlstadt, and that her colleagues there don't know she has a husband, but they do know she has a boyfriend--an Al Harris who is a bartender at the Bennigans in Short Hills.
Maher goes to the Bennigans and confronts Harris by jamming a gun in his crotch. After this, he and Beverly/Danielle have another screaming fight, more sex, and a final, brief, reconciliation before they break up for good in 1990.
According to the "where are they now" bit at the end, Maher last saw her dancing at the club in Carlstadt in 1991.

thanks to author of post

Kevin Maher: Danielle Staub’s Ex?

What we know:

Danielle Staub has gone by the name “Danielle Maher” in the past.

Here’s a review of the book.

Cop Without a Badge: The Extraordinary Life of Kevin Maher” is quite a gripping story by Charles Kipps. This fact paced thriller is full of action as it unfolds the story of Maher’s life. Kipps calls Maher an “excitement junkie”, who was addicted to fast cars in his early teens. Maher came from a broken home and he was on his own in the growing up years of adolescence. When the police caught Maher (then seventeen) fleeing with a stolen car, he made them undergo the chase of their lives, driving wildly from Bronx in New York City to Catskills. This act landed him in prison, to which he was sentenced for a period of 4 years.

He was not the type of person to be in prison for that long though. Escaping prison, Kevin underwent some kind of a reincarnation, and came in touch with detective Jim Coherty. Coherty became a foster father to Kevin, and this changed the direction of his life. Kevin now began to work as an informant for the police. He also began working for the FBI and the DEA. This did not last very long however, and Kevin soon succumbed to his addiction to fast cars. He then came in touch with a Colombian drug scion and became addicted to cocaine. This cost him not only his career as an informant, but also wrecked his family life. Both of his marriages failed.

Kevin, however, was finally able to overcome his addiction, and presently he works for a security firm in New Jersey. His is surely one exciting life-story”.

Monday, May 25, 2009

The Real Greedy Housewives of New York and New Jersey


Page Six Photo  

"THE Real Housewives of New York City" taught their New Jersey counterparts some lessons in "fame" recently -- including how to grab as much graft as you can. Jill Zarin and Ramona Singer came to the Lia Sofia gifting suite for TV Upfronts at the London NYC hotel and got to grabbing. Zarin took a bunch of Michael Stars tops, explaining, "I just got my breasts redone and need these to fit my new figure." Zarin then swapped plastic-surgery advice with the Jersey women -- Dina Manzo, Jacqueline Laurita, Teresa Giudice and Carolina Manzo -- while Singer told them that the gifting suites are "the fringe benefits of being a star." The ladies also got Lancaster bronzing lotions and "a lot" of Habitual jeans. The only Jersey housewife not there was Danielle Staub , who was told by the others not to come because "if she came, there would be drama."

New Jersey Housewives: As Thick as Thieves






Items found while browsing the net:

Anonymous said...

Down to earth?!! Umm did anyone see my big fat fabulous wedding with Tommy and Dina? Well Dinas on Real Housewives now, along with her sister and 2 other obnoxious women. I know all of them and they dont have the money that they portray to have!! This is going to be a hysterical show!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I dont know if you read the post's above, but this is my FAMILY your talking about.
Do you have access to their bank accounts? No, you don't. So how can you commment on money?? You can't.
And if you knew them as good as you seem to think you do, you would know that they are down to earth.
Jealousy is a bitch, huh?


Anonymous said...

I know the ENTIRE family of some of the "wives" being filmed. Bravo is missing the boat. Some of the men are much more interesting. A little "dangerous" too!


Anonymous said...

Your "family" is obviously a bunch of attention getting morons. what is this, the 4th reality show they have tried to capture attention with?!? They make themselves look retarted... they may have money, but sure as hell are lacking CLASS.

Anonymous said...

One loser is definitely from Franklin Lakes. Her wedding was on Platinum Weddings. What next? Is Dina the one who cheated on her first husband? Rich as in illegal wealth? So impressive!


Anonymous said...

I heard that they are driving around looking at houses that they cant afford, pretending they are going to move. PATHETIC. And she left her former husband for Tommy, FACT not rumor "family member". Stop defending them, they are putting thereselves out there...they are going to be criticized.
Um most people wish they were like them?? They are white trash with a little bit of money that got to their heads.


Anonymous said...

one of the pathetic losers that are on this show, is a very close relative of mine. Don't understand how that show chose her to be on tv. If anyone knows who I might be talking about, what an idiot, clueless mother and a housewive that has no idea what her husband does and who. She definitely needs a reality check.

Anonymous said...

I know one of "housewives" very well. I could not agree more with the above comment. It may look like they have money but, that is not the case! Why don't these mothers go read a book to their children instead of running around with cameras in their face. Just from knowing some of the girls on this show I can see why Bravo didn't pick woman with real money and class they picked the dumb ones with no class and charge cards, it makes for a better show. Why don't they donate some money to charity instead of worrying about out doing each other with material things.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with previous comments. I know the two sisters on the show and know a third housewive (not so much a housewive at home) I would love to see a show about their so called husbands. I know alot of ones' husband and he definitely is not too involved with his wife and three kids. But what she don't know, she will never have a clue about!!!!!!

Anonymous said..

Dear Anonymous,
One more thing. If you are a "Close Relative" as you say, you are a real creep. One, for going off on a family member, and two if that is remotely true about one of the husbands cheating, why not tell her? lies,lies, and more are a jealous ass.

August 19, 2008 8:41 PM
Anonymous said...

You are a "close relative" of one of the girls and this is what you do? you are gross... and you have the nerve to talk about someone else's morals? Looks like yet another sorry case of envy.Enough said.

August 19, 2008 9:00 PM
Anonymous said...

Just what America needs a show about a bunch of guido families. I am sure we will see lots of fake nails and Cadillac Escalades!!

Anonymous said...

Girls,girls,girls. I was just told of this nasty blog by a YOUNG family member of ours. I am also related to 2 of the "housewives". Please don't go to the level of these horrible envious woman and even respond to them and their crazy lies. It is quite obvious WHO they are and WHY they do this so let it be. They are the JOKE since the girls don't pay any mind to this at all. Let them fight with themselves and self distruct:)

Anonymous said...

This is what Bravo has to say about it's own new show. It's all about DRAMA. That is a real nice family show and children are involved in being in this show?? SICK!!!!!
Bravo's press notes describe the series as follows:
"The newest edition to Bravo's successful 'Real Housewives' franchise brings big homes, big hair, new money and drama. Shot through Bravo's pop culture filter, welcome to New Jersey, home to five of the Garden State's most affluent ladies and the families they run. These best friends do everything over-the-top, from their decorating, to their dating and their fighting. 'The Real Housewives of New Jersey' showcases the McMansions and lavish lifestyles of these women and all the drama that money can bu

Anonymous said...

You’re pathetic and so is anyone else who thinks this show is a good idea! I hope these women are ready for what skeletons will come out of their closets! Especially their husband's closets!

Anonymous said...

Hey I just heard the news that this show is coming to town. What a bunch of pathetic housewives that would take part in a show like this!!!! Can't wait for this premiere. Just 5 stupid housewives from Franklin Lakes, Wayne, Towaco and maybe Paterson since that's where their originally from. Get an education, teach your kids how to read a damn book, and stop wasting your life on a show that will totally embarass you because you really don't have that perfect life. That goes for the dumb housewives on this pathetic show

August 23, 2008 8:35 AM
Anonymous said...

Well I can say that these comments are from nj. To know a person so well and see her on this show, it so proves what she wishes she was. Born and raised in Paterson and and then thinking that she has the wonderful life that these women so called have on this show. This is all just a show because that woman has nothing just a bunch of credit cards with a high balance!!!!!

August 23, 2008 5:50 PM
Anonymous said...

They're the definition of white trash...looking for nothing but attention!! Bimbos w/ no brains..

August 24, 2008 2:22 PM
Anonymous said...

I just found this blog. Very mean spirited. Although i would NEVER subject myself and family to that type of exposure, (cuz you're asking for this type of trash talk!) I don't think these women deserve the venom being put out here! It sure does sound like jealousy. I think the show will be fun to watch and I HOPE Bravo doesn't edit to make these girls look like jersey mob wives a la Carmela Soprano. And by the way, I think i know one of the girls and she is a nice, sweet person- a little showy and materialistic... but isn't that what the other two housewive series portrayed/ be nice.

August 25, 2008 2:50 PM
Anonymous said...

Don't look to start blaming the editing team at Bravo already. These girls are like new jersey mob wife Carmela Soprano. But, don't feel bad

August 26, 2008 2:26 PM
Anonymous said...

Actually, you can blame Bravo as they do have an agenda and a preconceived idea of how they want the series to go. I am positive they chose these women because they thought they were attractive, wealthy and interesting. If the women do not supply the drama- Bravo will... with creative editing and by filming certain events where they know drama can happen. ( usually where alcohol is involved)
I can guess that these women have thick Jersey accents, dynamite figures, over the top personalities and lives- otherwise.. who would watch the show??!!

August 26, 2008 2:27 PM
Anonymous said...

Do not worry, these women CAN and WILL supply the drama. Bravo will not have much work to do. They picked these women because they know they are dumb enough not to care how they are portrayed. Some of these girls are attractive, wealthy, and interesting. That is if you consider woman who shop all day and gossip all day interesting. The economy we live in today is at its worst. More then half of Americans have homes in foreclosure, parents can’t afford back to school clothes for their children, and middle class Americans are going to food banks. What are these rich women doing to help those less fortunate then them, NOTHING! I bet they don’t even know who is running for President!

August 26, 2008 2:56 PM
Anonymous said...

How about the fact that 2 of the housewive are ex strippers/hookers? Or that another is ok with her husband sleeping around? I guess thats class..I guess people are totally jealous of you guys!
"Family Member"--please dont speak, you obv. dont know your "families" past's.

August 27, 2008 2:29 PM
Anonymous said...

I know a few of the girls personally...very well. And let me say one of them does have a degree. They are great mothers. I know for a fact that they read to thier children. And cook dinner almost every night, just like everyone else. I can't believe I am responding to ANY of this total crap, but it really pisses me off to hear such made up hurtful stuff. By the way which is all too "close to home". Some of you people know too much stuff. Grow a set of balls and tell them how you really feel. If not, get a life and log onto You obviously need a man

Anonymous said...

I personally know one of these ladies, and am hoping the show does not portray her in a bad light. In reality she is a sweet sweet person who just loves her kids and wants to do the best she can.
We are all spectators to this, but remember sometimes it does come down to editing, and NO ONE IS PERFECT!

Anonymous said...

oh please, I saw one of the housewives just recently. I don't need to kiss anyones' ass especially her. Don't know wjat definition of beautiful, funny, entertaining your talking about and believe me no one is kissing her ass in this family. She came from nothing and now she thinks she's living that perfect lifestyle. Believe me everyone in this family is laughing at her. She's a mess!!!CLUELESS about life! Try having a conversation with her, "what a dumbass

Anonymous said...

this is quite funny cant believe they are actually doing this show on these classless bimbos. These people are the jokes of our town. It's really a shame our town will be portrayed this way when there really are classy people that live here, I can't imagine any of the good familys participating in this. But hey, i guess the trashy ones make better television. Everyone loves a good laugh at a bunch of disfunctional people! And from the looks of it they are more than willing to expose themselves and their families. Some people will stoop low for fame and attention, despite the effect it may have on their families. Shame on them. Selfish

Anonymous said...

Wow. Just found this site and am amazed at how many negative and angry posts there are about a tv show! I saw filming a few weeks ago at a photography studio in Ridgewood. I saw Dina and Tommy on "My Big Fat Wedding" and thought they acted a bit over the top and trash-mouthed. Tommy and his brothers own a very nice, locally popular event/catering hall. I know alot of people who know them and use their facility frequently (which is in Paterson.) Many were a bit turned off by how they acted on WE TV. Do they really want all this controversy and attention again? WHY?? I think it may be bad for business!:)

September 11, 2008 5:35 PM
Anonymous said...

Heard they got $20 K each to do this show. Some movie stars they are. And the funny part is they thought that was good! HAHAHA Bet they forgot they had to pay taxes on that money. Way to go! You couldn't pay me enough to make my family look like complete idiots.

September 11, 2008 5:49 PM
Anonymous said...

I love it!!! Let the drama begin, Anyway, who cares about the women, there boring. I wanna see the true lives of the men. There out there having a blast--if you know what I mean. Anyone that knows them, know exactly what I am talking about. They should have called the show the dirty housemen of NJ. All the women do is shop! LOL, and the only reason there not divorced is because their credit cards are maxed and can't retain lawyers. AGAIN, I love it!

September 11, 2008 6:05 PM
Anonymous said...

oh no, I won't watch, they are fools, they are bimbos,it's bad for business, they are seeking attention, they are discracing the town, etc,etc,etc,...but then again, I still blog over and over again, please remind me, who's the fool?

September 11, 2008 8:06 PM
Anonymous said...

I, too, will think twice about giving my money to the Brownstone again. How unprofessional to broadcast this frivolous drama for all to see!! ( I am curious to see it unfold, though!) Get the popcorn ready 

Employees at The Brownstone have their say:

I am a friend of Teresa's. Based on your posts I know who you are. It is really sad that you need to do this to make yourself feel better. She wouldn't do this to you. Cut it out before the family finds out and you cause a family war over this nonsense. Is it really worth it? Also, YOU need to pick up a book- your spelling and grammer is that of a five year old. As far as people who wont give another dime to the Brownstone...your loss,the place is amazing. No worries, go pay twice somewhere else. All of you nasty bloggers need to get a life and stop obsessing over others. Really.

September 12, 2008 10:33 PM
Anonymous said...

Tommy and Albert have come a long way to re-build their father's business, however, all of that hard work will go out the window!!!! Because their customers do not want to see them acting like fools with their hard earned money. Tommy's wedding was ridiculous, and he got a pass on it. But not this time. Now they park their Ferrari's and Bentley's outside to push it in our faces, they should rename the Brownstone --- Goumba Johnnies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

September 13, 2008 10:36 AM
Anonymous said...

by the way grammar was a typo...calm down. Not that you would know that anyway.

September 13, 2008 12:35 PM
Anonymous said...

I work at the Brownstone...As hard as those boys work, they could take a hot air balloon to work if that's what they want to do. When you or your spouse work half as hard as they do than you could talk. Are they supposed to work like animals and not reap the benefits in any way just so people like you have nothing to say?

September 13, 2008 10:53 PM
Anonymous said...

I also work at the Brownstone. Albert and Tom are two of the hardest working people in the place. They will wash dishes, clean garbage, and even vomit if they have to. Also, I see thier families come in all the time just to visit them because they spend so many hours there. They also are very good to all of us. I have been here over fifteen years and would never think of leaving. They are like family to me and treat me like family too, the same goes for thier wives and children. Whoever you are yo are a terrible person and I hope i don't ever run into you because I will expose you for the disgusting thing you are.

September 14, 2008 11:18 AM
Anonymous said...

I am with my friend who works at the brownstone with me. I never knew about this website. This makes me very sad to see. The Manzo's are good people who have been very good to me. I have worked for the brownstone for twelve years and I love it there and i love them. They are good people that don't deserve this. I am very sad to see this. i will pray for all those people out there who are so mean and have black hearts.

September 14, 2008 11:31 AM
Anonymous said...

My co workers just showed me this on the computer. I am very upset. I have known these people and worked for them for twenty years. I go to thier house on Christmas, and other holidays because I have no family here. I have been away with them on vacations too. They treat me like I am part of the family. I love them and thier wives and children like they are my own. They are all wonderful people and I am very angry at whoever would write things like this about them. I wish I knew who you were so I could tell you what I think of you in person. Shame on you.

September 14, 2008 11:44 AM
Anonymous said...

Everyone at work is reading this. We are mad. I just started here about a year ago and I love it here. We work very hard and so do our bosses. They work right along side with us. I am proud to be here. I am angry that people would say bad things about them. They don't deserve it.

September 14, 2008 11:49 AM
Anonymous said...

I am reading this with my friends at work. I work long hours and very hard. So do they. So do thier kids. i have seen Mrs. Manzo in the kitchen washing dishes, and checking coats. I have seen Tommy's wife doing off premise work and loading trucks. I like them very much. At first I wasnt sure, but then I got to know them. I think of my bosses as friends and they have been there for me and my family whenever I needed them. I don't like what people are saying about them. This is not true and it is not noce at all.

September 14, 2008 11:56 AM
Anonymous said...

hey stupid I work there. Albert dries a Ford Pickup and Tommy drives A BMW X5 that's about five years old.

September 14, 2008 12:03 PM
Anonymous said...

I know the housewives. They are normal, average, people with normal average (sometimes above) lives. Live and let live people.

September 14, 2008 12:22 PM
Anonymous said...

it is awesome that you guys from the Brownstone came here to show your support for Tommy and Al. That's what matter most.
For all the vicious people who are just posting because their bored and jealous...think about ALL the people you hurt when you write the BS that you write. Shame on you is right, actually its an understatement.

September 15, 2008 8:45 AM
The Missus said...

I love the power of the online community here!
Thanks everyone for your thoughts and your posts.
I am thinking this next season of Housewives (NJ-style) is going to be the most interesting out of all the locations to watch.
Holy cow, you guys are great about participating in the discussion.
Feel free to use pan names instead of "Anonymous" though... It helps us figure out which "team" is commenting...


objective olivia said...

Good idea Missus! I have been riveted to this online stream of consciousness regarding the Housewives of Bergen County. Obviously Bravo knows its stuff and chose the right people for the show. People seem to really love them or hate them. As an objective blog stalker (tee hee) I would have to say that I have heard plenty of true reasons for the love... but I am still trying to figure out why is there so much hate?
Did these women steal your husbands? Your money? Have they hurt your children? What have they done to you personally that they deserve all this hate?
Now, when the show starts and we see silly, over the top behavior we can all dish. But it won't be so personal or cruel. I don't even know these women, but I do feel bad that their kids and family read/ hear all this negative stuff based on opinions of anonymous people.

September 15, 2008 9:30 AM
Anonymous said...

I'm getting bored reading about the same old thing. Brownstone "this" Brownstone "that" doesn't anyone know anything about the other 4 losers or are they just on the show to use up camera time. I kinda feel bad for them, they obviously had NO attention before and still getting NO attention Now. Except for the one comment about the stipper thing (thats true). But, again she's only married into the family somehow through the Brownstone, so she don't matter.

September 15, 2008 8:07 PM
Anonymous said...

It is one person who keeps posting, I am SURE a family memeber who keep posting about how great the Brownstone is, give me a BREAK! Don't you see that each post is a few minutes apart. Ugh, such losers. Who cares about the Brownstone, NOBODY!

Anonymous said...

The reviews are in already!
If you like big hair, long nails and nasal-y accents Bravo has got you covered. The first season of The Real Housewives of New Jersey is currently filming and has confirmed that this lovely group of ladies is the cast.
Word on the street is that these chicks all live in McMansions in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey and they are going to be exactly what you’d expect upper-middle class Jersey wives to be. Think Carmen Soprano minus the mob stuff. Bring on the big hair Bravo..we are ready after that snooze-fest in Atlanta.
"The newest edition to Bravo's successful 'Real Housewives' franchise brings big homes, big hair, new money and drama. Shot through Bravo's pop culture filter, welcome to New Jersey, home to five of the Garden State's most affluent ladies and the families they run. These best friends do everything over-the-top, from their decorating, to their dating and their fighting. 'The Real Housewives of New Jersey' showcases the McMansions and lavish lifestyles of these women and all the drama that money can buy."

September 16, 2008 1:00 PM
Anonymous said...

Here is the cast....

September 16, 2008 1:15 PM
Anonymous said...

Wow...stalk much??

Anonymous said...

I know that, IDIOT. If you knew how to read, which I am sure you don't... you will see that the article says the 2 in the middle are from the cast of Real Housewives of NY. So, the 3 left are the cast DUMB ASS!

September 17, 2008 9:01 AM
Anonymous said...

I don't think that is stalking. You people are on here everyday posting, what are you doing on here STALKING THE BOARDS! Anyway, these woman will be on TV soon I don't their identity is a BIG secret.

September 24, 2008 9:53 AM
Anonymous said...

oh god I hope that last comment wasn't from one of those housewives. Everyone, Check out the spelling on the last comment. Why would soomeone be jealous over a pure dumbass that can't even talk or better yet spell out the words that she istrying to say. EDUCATION!!!! That is what you need first, then worry about your personal life because their really isn't alot that you don't know about. Obviously alot of people are talking about one individual here. People know what an idiot she is!!!!!

September 24, 2008 2:03 PM
Anonymous said...

Is this an English class? or a spelling contest? It's a BLOG, GET OVER IT, lol. Who the hell cares if stuff is spelt wrong? Obviously, this SHOW is your biggest problem and for that, I envy you. I happen to have BIGGER problems than trying to "expose" someone from a TV show and check peoples spelling, lol. So basically, I don't really give a sh*t if my posts have all the i's dotted and the T's Crossed.
That was a pathetic attempt to try and bring me down. Try again. I'm sure you can do better. :)

September 24, 2008 4:47 PM
Anonymous said...

wow...Teresa's "family member" just won't let up will she? Don't you see that someone is about to expose you girl??? Do you want your dirty laundry aired??? Cause I think it's about to happen. People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones now should they???
I suggest you cram it, before you are really sorry that you ever decided to write your first evil envious lie on here. Let it go now before someone starts writing the FACTS about you. I haven't told her about this blog yet, but you just don't want to let up. I really think it's time to stop before you make a bigger fool of yourself honey. Don't make me go there, cause I WILL :)
Let the fans make their own judgement on these girls...I think they are going to love em.

September 24, 2008 9:32 PM
Anonymous said...

Everyone needs to just relax! It's just a show for fun, that's all!!!

September 25, 2008 2:01
Anonymous said...

Ok, let's talk facts:
FACT: I am not Teresa's family member...far from it.
FACT: I could not care less what you "expose" about Teresa.
FACT: The public WILL love these girls, as I have said from Day 1.
and last but not least...
FACT: Your obnoxious threats don't scare me. AT ALL.
ok, "honey"? LOL

September 25, 2008 2:29 PM
Anonymous said...

To the stalker who cant quite read...AKA Ms "FACT".
What I said was someone is about to expose YOU. Who YOU are and why you say these things about one.
You wouldn't want us to dishing about your issues on this oh so lovely and Mature blog. So CUT IT OUT! and to the other're right I should call her. I don't have her number or I would. lol

Anonymous said...

hey jackass.. I never said anything about teresa. I actually LIKE ALL the housewives. Shows what an idiot u are. You don't even know WHO your talking to.


Anonymous said...

I am one of the girls that did the show. I had no idea that we were so "popular" or even that interesting for that matter. What the hell is going on here???
Some of these blogs are quite obvious who they are- good and bad. For those who have been nice...thank you for havin' our backs. For those who are's kinda sad really. If you have issues with us...let us know to our faces. You obviously are not just random people that google a show that hasn't even aired yet. We don't care what the general public will say when it airs...we put ourselves out there so we will have to take the good with the bad. WE KNOW...WE KNOW
So at this point all I could say is lighten's just a silly show.
God...I don't know if we should be flattered or if I should update my security system...I'm gonna go with the security for now.
By the way, I was going to put my name on here...but I will make you wonder just like we have to about you. :)

Anonymous said...

if its "JUST A SHOW" why are 2 of the housewives trying to have some of the footage not air???? cheating on your husband being aired out on TV shall be interesting!!

Anonymous said...

lol....that's some funny sh*t you have in your head. As far as I know being part of the show...None of us are trying to stop anything like that because as far as I know none of us cheat!
Maybe I am nieve...but I know all of the other girls that are married on the show very well and they are pretty loyal to their husbands. So you really shouldn't say something that you know NOTHING about. That's just plain old mean.
Well, I am not going to indulge these nut bags anymore...just wanted to put my 2 cents in.
By the way...we chose what was filmed and what wasn't. If any of us were trying to hide anything would we chose to have it filmed??? come on. Think a could do it ;

Anonymous said...

Your the jealous fool that wishs you could have a life like the NJ house wives you have to hide behind your key board to talk about people you should pay a little more attention to your life instead of putting so much time in other peoples bussiness foooool hide behind your keyboard, you are the true meaning of coward unhappy bicth

September 28, 2008 11:09 PM
Anonymous said...

housewives is one word just so you know! such a shame all you grown woman can't spell. Your poor children!

September 29, 2008 9:22 AM
Anonymous said...

wow---just based on this message board, all these housewives are going to be even more RICH and famous than they already are. I can't wait for the show...then this board can REALLY blow up!!!it's obvious that everyone is sad. be happy with your own lives people!
and for those who think they know so well....what do you think is being edited out? do you really think the producers would cut out good television? come on.

September 29, 2008 11:17 AM
Anonymous said...

"FAMOUS" hahaha That's great. Is that what you actually believe. Famous for WHAT!! And RICH - ER, even better, maybe Teresa should do a credit check on her husband and see how RICH there NOT!

September 29, 2008 12:32 PM
Anonymous said...

damn, are u sleeping with him or something? you seem a little obsessed lol.

September 29, 2008 2:12 PM
Anonymous said.

That's the loon I was talking about earlier that won't stop with Teresa...(Sorry Ms.Fact I assumed you were her.) Somebody is about to expose who you are and YOUR messed up situation ya jealous'll see. You just can't stop can you???

September 29, 2008 2:27 PM
Anonymous said...

Not me, he's too short. Anyway, its my first blog, just thought I would shed some light on how tricky television could be. Just goes to show you they can make anyone look good.

Objective Olivia said...

Seriously, as an objective observer- what have these women done to deserve such venom? I really want to know! Why are you so mad at them? And if they're as terrible as you say- shouldn't you feel sorry for them instead of trashing them and their families?
And, would you still be writing all this if you couldn't write as anonynous


Anonymous said...

wow... the women on this show actually do give as much as they can to the hospital for the children... most of the women on this show actually have jobs and even come home and cook a mean as meal... everyone must really want to on the real housewives if they are this jealous and making asumptions on the girls this early.. to actually asume things about these girls is completely wrong when they are so false...reading what everyone has to say makes me laugh... the people who comment this are "housewives" who really have nothing to do with them selfs and should take care of their own lives and watch out for their own husbands and children and not care what others want to do with their lives... let them live their lives the way they want and u live yours the way u want and shut up.
everyone knows that the behind it all Bravo cut out and eddit all the good they will be doing and be putting words into their mouths for the people on this blog to comment about.
so believe what you want bc what everyone on this blog will flare up about wont be true

Anonymous said...

Seems like she is looking to blame Bravo is unreal they go on this show then they don't want to be judged. If people don't like them they will blame the editing team of Bravo. You have nobody to blame but yourselves.


This is unbelievable! I am good friends with Teresa and my daughter has done acting with her daughter. This is a wonderful family with beautiful, smart,and talented children and Teresa and Joe are a happy inlove couple. These bloggers couldnt be more wrong! I would hope this person /or people are random misfits because if they really do know them,then they would be speaking the truth and not mean lies. Teresa is not a dumb woman. She is a funny, smart woman and great friend that can manage her family like its nobodys business. Im sure when the show airs, people will see her and her family for the fun, outgoing family that they are. Plz stop the mean blogs and just watch the show. Its all for fun anyway, lets not be so serious! are you mad they didnt pick you? Geez!!luv ya Teresa.

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous" who said we are the most "screwed up family on earth"-Just figured out who you are!Did you ever hear the saying- "those who live in glass houses".......See you tomorrow!

October 12, 2008 10:12 PM
Anonymous said...

I went to a birthday party this weekend and meet Teresa and her girls for the first time. She is a really nice and down to earth person!! Her girls are beautiful and 3 of the happiest well mannered and caring girls I have met. I have an 19 month old daughter that runs around and gets into everything, Teresa went out of her way to help me with her. Her girls wanted to share everything with my daughter. As I was leaving her oldest daughter stopped me to give me a pumpkin she painted for my daughter and she had painted a few but wanted to make sure she gave me the prettiest one for her. They are great girls with a good mom.

Anonymous said...

The family in question is really fun!! They should ALL be involved in the show. Hey Bravo, How about a show just for them!!! You would have a #1 hit. They are VERY funny.I have known them for 15 years, TRUST ME!!!

Note to grammar editing

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lisa Wu Hartwell on“Double Standards”

excerpt from

Before you think about calling Lisa Wu Hartwell a ghetto drama queen, check Webster for the definition of ghetto. Despite behaving like the consummate professional throughout  the debut season of Bravo's "Real Housewives of Atlanta," Hartwell was quickly labeled ghetto once she confronted cast mate Kim Zolciak's slanderous remarks about her and her kids. Yet the "Housewives" franchise welcomes ratings-induced drama including an upcoming episode of the New Jersey edition which shows one of the the wives wilding out in a restaurant. asked Hartwell to weigh in on whether or not she thinks Black women are judged more harshly than their White counterparts and why.

ESSENCE.: The ATL "Housewives" show will be returning for a second season and is the highest rated of the "Housewives" franchise. It seems that the other shows are following the Georgia Peach lead for great ratings.
Absolutely, they do. There's always a double standard. Perhaps, we are held to a higher standard of excellence but real situations happen. It's just unfair that people pass judgment and call our show ghetto but when they talk about the women Orange County or New York or New Jersey shows they call it entertainment. I believe that the way that we've been raised as Black people—always keeping secrets in our family and really witnessing Black women go through it—that we are judged harshly. For instance, there's a teaser for the New Jersey show where one of the women flips over a table in the restaurant. Now had any of us done that we probably would have lost some viewers and been told that we lack class. Unfortunately, certain behaviors are more accepted from our counterparts than they are among us. So tell me is their show ghetto or simply entertainment? People need to understand that ghetto isn't a color, it's a state of mind and being.
ESSENCE.COM: So what would you say to ATL "Housewives" critics?
People have always said that we don't represent the women of Atlanta. It is impossible for five women to represent all the women of Atlanta but some might be able to relate to someone on our show. I've had some people say to me after seeing the argument I had with Kim, "I thought you were different." And I simply had to say that I'm human. Maybe some situations we handled were inappropriate behavior, but it's always easy to criticize and say what you would do when you're not in the situation. I'm sorry that they find our behavior offensive but oftentimes we don't really have a chance to think about our actions, or what we say. Are there certain things that in hindsight I wish I could take back? Absolutely. At the end of the day we are all human, but cut us some slack as you do our counterparts. It's all entertainment. Remember, you're only seeing a fraction of our lives, not the whole pie.

Lisa apparently doesn’t read blogs and message boards, lol.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Tamra Responds to Restraining Order Dismissal

Flythru Bag

Tamra Barney, the self –proclaimed "hottest housewife in Orange County" has responded to the dismissal in court of Gretchen Rossi’s restraining order against Jay Photoglou.

"I was subpoenaed as a witness in a hearing involving...a restraining order she filed against her  ex-boyfriend, Jay Photoglou,” Barney said.

Rossi claimed Photoglou threatened the lives of she and her dogs, former Housewives cast member Slade Smiley, and vandalized her Costa Mesa, Ca. home.

After Rossi failed to appear with her attorney to address the charges , they were dropped.

"I showed up in court only to find out the charges were dismissed after waiting 30 minutes. I find it strange for Gretchen, whom allegedly feared for her life because of this ‘stalker,’ wouldn't even appear in court for her hearing," said Barney.

"This speaks volumes about her character."

Barney said the women exchanged text messages the evening prior to the court appearance, but she was unsure how much information about her testimony should be given.

The women have long feuded, squabbling on the Bravo TV series' reunion  show, still a sore spot for Rossi according to Barney.

"“A few weeks ago, [Rossi] and [Smiley] drunk-dialed me. Her conversation started out guarded with ‘why don't you like me?’  She wanted to make amends, but she didn't appear too sincere," Barney

Barney insists she participated in the hearing in the spirit of honesty, and that Photoglou was "apologetic" for the waste of her time in court.

"The one thing I pride myself on is that I always tell the truth, the truth will always set you free. That's what I was planning to do [in court[, tell the truth."

Tamra always tells the truth..right.

excerpt from radaronline

Related Links:

a friend and neighbor

Chris Rossi

date my ex

Gretchen Rossi's "Dark Side",

Jay Photoglou

Jeff Beitzel

Judy Fike Speaks

Sharon Beitzel

Tamra Barney

Slade Smiley

Grayson Smiley

Friday, May 22, 2009

Danielle Staub Arrested!

danielleExcerpt from "Cop Without A Badge"

Star Magazine has reported that at the beginning of April Danielle Staub was arrested at her Wayne, NJ mansion. Apparently, Danielle has yet to pay her divorce lawyers because her ex-hubby - some exercise equipment manufacturer hasn't upped her divorce settlement. I don't know how much Danielle stands to gain in the settlement, but her lawyers fees are in the six figures and they want their money. So, they issued a civil action contempt warrant.

To top it all off, Danielle's star status has already gone to her head because she asked the police if they knew who she was . . . like she was somebody! Come on Danielle, your claim to fame is that you had a Black American Express card before Madonna (thanks to your hubby by the way!), so unless the Passiac County police officers are moonlighting as AMEX black card reps they don't know you!

The shenanigans ended with Danielle spending 90 minutes at the police station and reportedly later had her publicist call the cops and ask them to reenact the arrest for the cameras. They declined, but I'm sure this isn't the last we'll be hearing about this matter.

from reality TV examiner

The Faux Famewhores of Beverly Hills

Real Housewives
from TMZ

"Bravo is looking for outgoing, exciting, strong, focused women who reside in and around the Beverly Hills area that want to share their lives.
We are looking for women who are lively and energetic, with defined opinions and views. Our featured women should have busy lives, be involved with the community, have a strong work ethic, and an active social calendar."

Translation -- They want some unbeweavable, crazy, catty, standoffish quasi-rich chicks who are willing to drum up enough faux-drama to keep people glued to their TVs. It's Bev. Hills, people... they shouldn't have too much trouble.

Hey, I’m in...bring ‘em on, Bravo

“Southern Belles” Thursday Night “Crack”

The women in this series are all single.  They are Kellie Frey, 32, Emily Gimmel, 24, Hadley Hartz, 26, Shea Johnson, 29, and Julie Smith, 34.

The first episode moves quickly as it introduces each Belle's personal story line. Frey is a two-time high-society divorcee learning to stand on her own two feet.

Shea Johnson is the girl waiting for her fiance to propose so she can start her life. She’s the one the audience will love to hate. Most of the show was about her, so we got to  see what a bitch she is.

Johnson is a real-estate agent but was born into money. In the premiere, she's portrayed as totally at peace with her privileged life, which includes flying to Chicago in a private plane to shop for engagement rings. We get to sit in on a consultation in which the lowest-priced ring is $250,000.  Does the boyfriend buy?  Hell no.

Hadley Hartz's story line focuses on her learning to make the right career and companion choices.

Emily Gimmel describes herself as "The anti-Southern Belle."  If that means losing an entertainment reporter job after being convicted of drunk-driving, then it makes sense.

Julie Smith, from Florence, Ky., is trying to break back into the modeling business at 34. She seems to have been thrown in gratuitosly,as the token black, like Kim Zolciak is the token white on The Real Housewives of Atlanta. Unlike Kim, however, she seems to have little or no story line, other than being (and looking) too old for modeling jobs other than “soccer mom”, as she was told by an agent.

Interesting enough for a “look-see”.  On Soapnet

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Lauri Waring: No, This Can’t Be True!

from d-listed

Lauri Waring Wants More Money

This has got me confused. TMZ says that Lauri Waring- from The Really Plastic Housewives of Orange County, has filed papers asking her ex-husband for more money. According to the papers, Lauri claims she only makes $400 a month. That's not even enough to cover her weekly liquid nails (botox and Wesson is so five years ago) bill!

In the papers, Lauri states that she has over $12,000 in monthly expenses and that her ex-husband, Phil Waring, can afford to pay her more in support, because he makes around $360,000 a year. Lauri also said that she's working as an insurance agent and an "actress" (laugh until you fart) to make ends meet.

Okay... Um. Isn't Lauri still married to George, the wealthiest man in Coto or Laguna or wherever the hell they live? Didn't George buy Lauri's ass a Mercedes and some gaudy ass joo-rees (copyright: DeShawn Snow)? Didn't George take Lauri to Dubai so that she could piss on diamonds and feast on liquid gold? How is she still getting money from her ex-husband if she re-married? Yes, everything I needed to learn about alimony I learned from Desperate Housewives.

OH! I think I know why Lauri's asking for money. It's because she's a greedy crash-grubbing whore who doesn't care how much money she has now, she still wants MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE! Hmmm. I can respect that. Carry on!

More Drama from OC: Priceless!

Stay Tuned

“Southern Belles” Premieres Tonight


This hybrid of “Sex in the City” meets “Real Housewives of Wherever” debuts tonight on SoapNet.

Soapnet is pimping this show out everywhere:

For a sneak peek, go to:

Baby Boom in Jersey



Teresa Giudice one of the stars of The Real Housewives of New Jersey , is pregnant with her fourth child, a Bravo rep confirms. The reality star is five and a half months along, and is “excited” about expanding her family.

Giudice, 36, already has three daughters — Gia, 8, Gabriella, 4, and Milania, 3 — but is unsure about the sex of her new baby. According to Bravo, Giudice “wants to keep it a secret until she delivers.”

Jacqueline Laurita, a co-star, is due in mid-June.

Bethenny Frankel, ad nauseum...

NY Real Housewife Really Hates New Jersey

Posted May 21st 2009 12:20PM by TMZ Staff

She loves the ladies of "The Real Housewives of New Jersey" but New York's Bethenny Frankel sure didn't have kind words for the Garden State itself -- basically calling it a useless place where people get trapped and can never leave. There’s a glimpse of her new man, too.
Bethenny Frankel: Click to watch

Hey Bethenny, you mean like, uh, Manhattan?

Related Links:

Bethenny Frankel's Movie

She By Sheree Fashion Show

from people mag

"Seven Figure" Sheree Whitfield finally shows a fashion line.

May 13, 2009

A fashion show with fashions might sound fairly standard, but fans of the Atlanta Housewives know that such a feat proved to be a major challenge for Sheree Whitfield on the show’s first season.

The divorced diva successfully pulled off a do-over without major incident Tuesday night at Atlanta’s W Hotel. “I am on cloud nine! I am very, very pleased,” Whitfield said after receiving a standing ovation as she pranced down the runway in a form-fitting black satin cocktail dress and fuchsia pumps.

Debuting her long-anticipated She By Shereé fall clothing collection with fellow costars Kim Zolciak, Lisa Wu Hartwell, NeNe Leakes, and new girl Kandi Burruss(a singer-songwriter from platinum-selling ’90s R&B; girl group Xscape) looking on from the front row gave Whitfield the chance to redeem herself — and for PEOPLE to catch up with Atlanta’s ladies.

“It’s all about sexiness and celebrating a woman’s curves,” Whitfield said of her collection of form-fitting dresses and casual wear festooned with rhinestones and fur. “When a woman puts on my clothes I want her to feel sexy and classy.”

Even rival Leakes admitted that it was a change from Whitfield’s infamous clothes-free “fashion viewing” featured in the show’s first season. “I liked that she had a jumpsuit in the collection. That is very in, very happening. She had a lot of variety: dresses, furs, gowns and even a jogging suit,” Leakes told PEOPLE. “It went from nothing coming down the runway to something.”

Cast members are remaining tight-lipped about what to expect from a new season, only promising to deliver plenty of drama. Kim Zolciak hinted that her singing career is still on track (even if her friendship with Leakes is not. “It is what it is,” she said of their relationship). “I am so happy with my music career,” Zolciak said, “I’m really excited about it. Everyone’s going to die when they see what happens.”

What about the cigarette smoking? “I still smoke all day,” she said.

The overly active Hartwell expressed happiness for Whitfield, telling PEOPLE, “I love to see anyone out there pursuing their dream.” And she remains as busy as every, pursuing dreams of her own with a fashion line in the works as well as a book about domestic violence. “Expect more drama for sure,” she says of Atlanta’s season 2, “but lots of entertaining moments. We share a lot of personal stories that will touch people.”

Added NeNe’s “gay boyfriend” Dwight Eubanks: “It is so over the top that we’re going to be the number one reality show on TV!”

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Jacqueline Laurita: In a Nest of Vipers


Bravo filmed The Real Housewives of New Jersey over a year ago. There was some legal glitch in the production, so the show debuted last week.

That being said, Jacqueline Laurita is in a trick bag. Being truly sweet and caring has its price when the family you married into behave like a cross between The Sopranos and “Goodfellas”.

Run Jackie run. She literally ran from Dina Manzo during the party at the Brownstone. She was so afraid of displeasing both Caroline and Dina.

Then, there’s the friendship with Danielle Staub, the hot tranny mess trying to insinuate herself into the family through Jackie.  Maybe she thinks Caroline Manzo will arrange a marriage for her with another stray Manzo brother, like she did for Dina. Talk about a triangle!

The four miscarriage story definitely pulled at the heart strings. It may have been the most genuine moment in all the Housewives franchise. It certainly wasn’t Lauri Waring shedding crocodile tears over Josh's latest run-in with the law, or Kelly KILLOREN Bensimon pretending to cry over her “good name”.

The good news: Jacqueline Larita is expecting a son the second week of June! A link to her Bravo blog is on my Twitter.

Congratulations, Jacqueline!

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